Pure and Applied Sciences constitute that framework for the formation of theories necessary for technological development. The philosophy of SPAS is to train the next generation of scientists who are capable of accumulating scientific knowledge, pursuing challenges and making discoveries in order to solve developmental problems.
To become a world class School of Pure and Applied Sciences committed to producing graduates having the required knowledge to create innovative ideas necessary for the scientific and technological transformation of world.
To apply interdisciplinary and interactive teaching, learning and research processes meant to equip our students with innovative skills necessary to produce world-class researchers and entrepreneurs.
Confidence – Develop the quality of being sure of personal worth, values and abilities without any sense of inferiority.
Excellence – Nurture a culture that grants excellence in research, teaching, professional and social development.
Collaboration – Develop a system of teamwork by establishing research groups consisting of members of FUTIA community and linkages with other institutions to expand the frontiers of scientific researches and learning.
Innovation – Generate new scientific ideas needed for discoveries and technological development.
Integrity – Maintain the highest quality of honesty and strong moral principles in all engagements
Community – Present scientific opportunities that engage students and staff of FUTIA, and the outside community without any form of discrimination.
Respect – Develop a culture of care, respect, civility and concern for self, others, the University and host community.